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June 09, 2005

The Builders Are In

It's late at night. Or is it early in the morning. And I can't sleep through stress. Roll on end of July when all is done and dusted!

However this does mean that
(a) I've done some boring braindump things about the stress
(b) I've finally got round to looking at why the comments have stopped working on the blog since I did the upgrade.

For better or worse, they now are.

Big thanks to this article on elise.com which explained that you need to add the domain of your blog to your typekey setup, not the blog url or the MT app installation URL as the Typekey form would indicate.

Unfortunately, one side effect of this is that you have to completely strip down all your templates and start again when you upgrade from MT2 to MT3. Half-arsed measures just don't work.

So the blogroll, flickr links etc etc will be arriving over the next few days as I get time...I haven't forgotten you all. And like the design, it probably all needed an upgrade anyway.

Posted by Tom Dolan at June 9, 2005 04:04 AM

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