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September 19, 2003

Wood, apparently.

I'd just like to thank the wonderful creator of this site for having endured five exciting and interesting years of marriage with me.

It's amazing when you look back, just how far it's possible for people to come.

We still lived in a rented house, had the shadow of huge debt hanging over us, dreamed of being pop stars, thought I might not get another stint back at the beeb, had no cats, no baby, two utterly knackered cars and our only major financial commitment to date had been a bottom-of-the-range washing machine and a bottom-of-the-range bed.

It's also odd to look back at that day and realise how many people we now consider close friends weren't there - because we didn't even know them. So, Mark, Martha, Des, Shaz, Marv, Matt, Euan, Flip and many more - in our memories, you were there. And we all had a lovely time.

Posted by Tom Dolan at September 19, 2003 10:26 AM

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