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May 05, 2002

As one door opens, another one closes...

As one door opens, another one closes...

We had estate agents round on Friday. They came with infrared tape measures, information packs, and an army of improper uses of reflexive pronouns. ("And should you wish, one of my colleagues can discuss that with yourself.")

The long and the short of it is that our house is worth more than we thought. Um, and more than we hoped. We're free to move to the place we want to move to. Almost immediately if we so wish, because we don't have to save up £9K of stamp duty after all.

This, bizarrely, left me feeling absolutely numb. And emotionally shattered. I've been shoulder-charging my way through all this, not actually listening to anything my body or heart were telling me...for, in retrospect, about 18 months. Ever had that feeling that the tears are too big to come out? I think I'm about to go through a period where random moments of sentimentality will be the triggers for massive outpourings.

It seemed sensible (ha, there I go again!) to try and give all this some form of context, rather than just staring at a spreadsheet and saying 'blimey' for four days, so we went to go and look in estate agents windows in the place we've got our eye on. And in particular to look at the particular *house* we've got our eye on.

Which now has a sticker on it saying 'Sold'.

Not really sure what to think about this really - we may have been saved from the project house of doom, or perhaps a great opportunity. But in some ways I feel glad we aren't going to just go straight from not-knowing to already-bought without looking round first. Would feel a bit like marrying the first person you kissed. (Unfortunate in my case as it was a cat)

Two numbs don't make a right.

Posted by Tom Dolan at May 5, 2002 10:34 AM


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