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April 19, 2002

So, I've finally cracked.

So, I've finally cracked. I've finally been persuaded by all my friends who said 'you should write all this stuff down'. This is my go at overcoming my absolute terror of criticism and hoping that they knew something I didn't. Oh, and Chris Locke laughed at my jokes and nodded at my opinions too. So it's all his fault.

There are two threads that are likely to unite this blog:

1) Work - I work in iTV and "new" media. Where on earth is it all going to go?

2) Getting away from work. My attempts at dealing with the stresses, strains of work as a paranoid guilty lazy person. And the fact that I'm in a none-too ideal environment when I get home.

actually, make that three.

3) whether I'm a complete twat or not.

Having spend most of my life functioning as "a brain on a stick", as the missus puts it, I'm the first stage of my post-30s self-evaluation. I've started at the gym, got a massage therapist to sort my shoulders out, drinking less, going to bed early and considering children. And as a paranoind guilty lazy person, I'm finding it kind of hard.

Hmmm. Need to think about this.

Posted by Tom Dolan at April 19, 2002 05:14 PM


Am looking forward to it, since I'm on the verge of a similar stage of life myself, and could do with all the advice and reassurance I can get.

(Ow, my back.)

Posted by: Yoz [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 21, 2005 02:18 AM

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